지원 자료

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Digital healthcare icons on blue hexagons background
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical

DC 모터 드라이브에 적합한 경제적인 의료용 전원 공급장치

의료 분야에서는 고성능 DC 모터가 필요할 때가 많습니다. 예를 들어 무거운 것을 들어올릴 때, 환자 침대나 수술대를 돌리거나 기울일 때, 정밀 외과 수술용 로봇을 조종하거나 호흡기 기압을 조절할 때 등이 대표적입니다. DC 모터는 PWR(Power-to-Weight Ratio, 출력 대 중량 비율)이 매우...
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RAC03 AC/DC 시리즈 표면 장착형 정식 출시 News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure

RAC03 AC/DC 시리즈 표면 장착형 정식 출시

RECOM의 인기 제품이자 비용 효율성이 뛰어난 초소형 AC/DC 컨버터 RAC03-K 라인이 SMT 포맷으로 출시됩니다. RAC03-K/SMT 시리즈 부품은 범용 85~265VAC(또는 120~370VDC) 입력에서 작동하며, 주변 온도 최고 60°C(3.3V와 4V 버전의 경우 50°C)에서 3W 지속...
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개방형 및 DIN 레일 옵션을 갖춘 RACM15E-K 15W AC/DC News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical

개방형 및 DIN 레일 옵션을 갖춘 RACM15E-K 15W AC/DC

RECOM에서는 섀시 및 DIN 레일 장착에 적합한 개방형 프레임 및 밀폐형 버전의 15W AC/DC를 제공하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. 개방형 RACM15E-K/OF 부품은 크기가 3.1 x 0.9 x 0.8인치(80 x 23.8 x 22mm)이고 ‘MolexTM’ 커넥터가 탑재되어 있으며,...
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Electric charger in front of yellow construction vehicles
Automotive / E-Mobility / Railway / Transportation

운송 응용 분야용 DC/DC 컨버터

오프하이웨이 전기차(EV)는 전기 지게차에서 트랙터, 굴삭기에 이르기까지 수많은 응용 분야에 활용되고 있습니다. 또한 공항 셔틀 및 골프 카트와 같은 여객 수송 수단, 건설, 광산 또는 공원 및 정원에서 사용되는 실외 장비, 팔레트 로더, 지게차, 무인운반차와 같은 실내 장치에서도 활용되고 있습니다.
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K 시리즈 AC/DC에 210W 부스트 전력을 갖춘 140W 부품 내장 News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical

K 시리즈 AC/DC에 210W 부스트 전력을 갖춘 140W 부품 내장

Recom의 신제품 RACM140E-K는 범용 입력 AC/DC 컨버터로, 동력 요구 사항과 안정성의 비율을 균형 있게 유지하고, 덜 제한적인 공간에서 사용하기에 적합하며, 경쟁력 있는 가격대로 판매되고 있습니다.
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RECOM's R24C2T25 series with blue background
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

게이트 드라이버 전원 공급장치에 대한 문제를 제기한 WBG 기기

탄화규소(SiC) 및 질화갈륨(GaN) 기기용 게이트 드라이버 전원 공급장치는 이러한 와이드 밴드갭 반도체의 고유한 편향 요구 사항을 해결해야 합니다. 본 블로그에서는 SiC 및 GaN용 게이트 드라이버의 전원 공급장치를 설계할 때의 핵심 고려 사항에 대해 논의합니다.
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Human hands operate the keyboard of a laptop while a robotic hand points out from the laptop screen.
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

PCB 설계를 혁신하는 AI의 힘

인공 지능(AI) 지원 PCB 설계를 시작하는 가장 간단한 방법 중 하나는 app.celus.io에서 CELUS 설계 플랫폼에 등록하는 것입니다.
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Close-up of a Printed computer mother board
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재료 과학의 발전으로 전원 공급장치 설계 및 성능 향상

전원 공급장치의 효율성을 높여야 광범위한 분야에서 성능을 향상시킬 수 있다는 사실은 더 이상 비밀이 아닙니다. 재료 과학의 발전은 전원 공급장치 설계에 영향을 미치고 더욱 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 소형 솔루션을 개발하는 데 있어 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있습니다. 전원 공급장치 설계에 영향을 미치고 있는 일부...
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Wireless charging station with smartphone that displays the battery level
Automotive / E-Mobility / Transportation

무선 충전을 위한 전력 공급 설계 요구 사항

무선 전력 전송(WPT)의 응용 분야에는 물리적 연결 없이 공급원에서 부하로 전력을 전송하는 것이 포함됩니다. 이러한 분야는 일반적으로 유도 결합 등 기술과 함께 전자기장을 사용하여 전력을 전송하는 경우가 많습니다. 본 블로그에서는 WPT 응용 분야에서 효과적이고 안전한 전력 전송을 보장하는 데 전원 공급장치가...
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RMOD300-UW and RMOD360-UW series with USPs listed
E-Mobility / Transportation

E-모빌리티, 운송, 자재 취급을 위한 새로운 RMOD300-UW 및 RMOD360-UW 울트라와이드 입력 DC/DC

비용 효율적인 RMOD 제품 라인에 두 종류의 신제품, RMOD300-UW와 RMOD360-UW이 추가되어 그 범위가 확장되었습니다. 두 DC/DC 컨버터 모두 MOLEX(TM) 커넥터가 포함된 190 x 76 x 44mm 바닥판 냉각 패키지에 들어 있으며, 24Vnom에서 최대 90Vnom까지의 배터리를...
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A worker monitors a robotic arm welding metal components in an industrial setting
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SiC 드라이브 애플리케이션을 위한 프로그래밍 가능한 출력을 제공하는 새로운 절연 DC/DC 컨버터

와이드 밴드갭(WBG) 기술이 우리 생활의 일부가 된 것은 분명합니다. 탄화규소(SiC) 및 질화갈륨(GaN) 트랜지스터는 광범위한 산업, 소비자, 기타 전력 응용 분야에서 선호하는 선택지로 급부상하고 있습니다.
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Streamlining the System Design Process Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Streamlining the System Design Process

Power supply solutions also tend to be some of the most expensive components in the system bill-of-materials (BOM).
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Graphical demonstration of existing, cost-effective solutions
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미래 지향적인 전원 스위칭 솔루션

자동차 제조, 산업, 인버터 등 여러 분야에서 고출력 전원 수준의 효율성 개선에 대한 수요가 늘어나고 있습니다. 전기차(EV)의 경우, 성능을 강화하고 모터를 더 효율적으로 구동하고 배터리 충전기 속도를 높여 주행거리를 늘리려면 이러한 개선이 반드시 필요합니다. 산업 현장의 경우, 전반적인 에너지 사용량을...
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Fiber Optic - High Speed Data Transfer
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파워 일렉트로닉스 분야에서의 RECOM과 인공 지능

언뜻 보기에, AI(인공 지능)와 전원 공급 장치 설계는 공통점이 거의 없는 것같이 생각될 수 있습니다. 그러나 RECOM은 이미 제품 및 서비스의 향상을 위해 3가지 이상의 영역에서 AI를 적극적으로 활용하고 있습니다. 이 글을 읽고 인공 지능, 전력 및 RECOM이 어떻게 동의어가 되고 있는지에 대해 알아보세요.
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Periodic table - carbon
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재료 과학의 발전으로 인한 전력 설계의 이점 - 탄소

탄소[C]는 필수 원소입니다. 우리는 탄소를 기반으로 하여 삶을 영위하는 생명체입니다. 기체 상태의 CO2 농도는 산소와 함께 지구 온난화에 우리가 미치는 영향을 측정할 수 있는 바로미터입니다. 고체 형태의 순수 탄소는 흑연처럼 부드럽거나 다이아몬드처럼 단단할 수 있습니다. 탄소 섬유는 비행기에서 낚싯대에...
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Case Study
Charging an electric car
Automotive / E-Mobility / Transportation
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Illustration of an electric car being inductively charged
Automotive / E-Mobility / Transportation

무선 전력 전송(WPT)

우리는 저전력 무선 전력 전송 기술을 활용하는 충전식 칫솔이나 휴대폰 충전 패드에 대해서는 익숙하지만, 예를 들어 전기 자동차(EV)와 같은 고출력 무선 충전에는 어떤 어려움이 있을까요?
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Blog Post
Transparent electric car with a view of the battery
Automotive / E-Mobility / Transportation

분리형 배터리 관리 시스템(BMS)

배터리 전기차(BEV) 및 플러그인 하이브리드 전기차(PHEV)는 직렬로 연결된 리튬 이온 셀을 활용하여 구동 모터에 필요한 충분한 전압을 공급합니다. 이러한 고전압(HV) 스택의 전압 범위는 마일드 하이브리드의 경우 48V~약 100V이며, 주행 거리가 수백 킬로미터인 전기차는 최대 수백 볼트로 제한됩니다....
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R24C2T25 series
Automotive / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure

게이트 드라이브 DC/DC 범위 확장

비대칭 레귤레이션 출력은 IGBT, Si, SiC 및 GaN 캐스코드 게이트 드라이브에 적합합니다 - 이제 새로운 R24C2T25 DC/DC 컨버터로 IGBT, Si, SiC 및 GaN 캐스코드 게이트 드라이버를 위한 전력을 생성하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다. 컴팩트한 7.5 x 12.83mm 36핀...
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RMOD 시리즈에 600W 와이드 및 엑스트라 와이드 입력 버전 추가 News Image
Automotive / E-Mobility / Transportation

RMOD 시리즈에 600W 와이드 및 엑스트라 와이드 입력 버전 추가

모빌리티 애플리케이션을 위한 인기 있는 '즉시 사용 가능한' RMOD 시리즈 DC/DC에 이제 두 가지 600W 버전이 포함됩니다. RMOD600W는 33.6V~96V 입력 범위(125V/5분)에 24V 출력을 제공하며, RMOD600EW는 13V 출력 및 33.6V~125V의 넓은 연속 입력 범위를...
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Blog Post
Illustration of power lines with question mark in the middle
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

RECOM의 DC/DC 전원 모듈 고객이 전 세계 반도체 부족 상황에 대처하는 방안

반도체 공급망은 고객의 물량, 구매력 및 개별적인 요구 사항에 따라 고객에게 다양한 과제를 제시합니다. 이러한 과제를 완화하려는 고객을 돕기 위해 RECOM은 즉시 배송에 맞추어 DC/DC 전원 모듈 등 이러한 제품의 재고를 적절히 유지해 왔습니다.
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모빌리티 애플리케이션을 위한 DC/DC의 RMOD 시리즈에 새로운 '사용 준비된 제품' 추가 News Image
Automotive / E-Mobility / Transportation

모빌리티 애플리케이션을 위한 DC/DC의 RMOD 시리즈에 새로운 '사용 준비된 제품' 추가

이제 모빌리티 애플리케이션을 위한 RECOM의 DC/DC 제품군인 RMOD 시리즈의 새 모델을 사용할 수 있습니다. 400W 출력 전력을 갖춘 RMOD400-28-13SW는 입력 범위가 16.8~56V이고, 출력이 13V인 24V, 28V 또는 36V 입력 공칭에 적합합니다. RMOD400-60-24SW는...
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A row of newly planted trees between existing trees
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2024년에도 계속 진행될 RECOM의 나무 심기 이니셔티브

2022년 RECOM은 참가한 여러 국제 무역 박람회에서 받은 명함 한 장당 나무 한 그루를 심었습니다. 이 프로그램을 통해 RECOM은 수백 그루의 나무를 심어, Embedded World에서 Electronica에 이르는 전시회를 통해 새로운 고객과의 만남을 통해 발생하는 탄소 배출이 중화되었습니다. 이...
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Robotic arms work on a semiconductor inside a fabrication facility
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

DC/DC 컨버터 고객들이 전 세계 반도체 물량 부족에 시달리게 된 과정

최근 수년간 전 세계 공급망의 각종 혼란으로 인해 반도체 업계가 수많은 난관에 부딪히면서 고객 행동의 변화, 전자제품 수요 증가 등 문제가 더욱 늘고 있습니다. 반도체 업계의 여러 문제가 무엇인지, 그리고 이 문제들을 해결함과 아울러 고객들이 DC/DC 컨버터를 구비하면서 생산 라인을 계속 가동하게 하기 위해...
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Trains and a product from RECOM's RMD150-UW series on a blue background
E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Railway / Transportation

모빌리티와 철도 부문의 ‘RTU(Ready to Use)’ DC/DC 찾기

모빌리티는 전력 변환장치에 부담이 많이 가는 분야입니다. 시판 제품으로는 필수적인 사양 중 일부분에는 부합할지 몰라도, 예컨대 철도용 EN 50155와 같은 표준이 적용되므로 전체적인 규정 준수를 위해 광범위한 외부 회로가 필요한 것이 보통입니다. 이 글에서는 진정한 의미의 ‘RTU(ready to use,...
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RECOMs R-78K-1.0 and RKK series against blue background
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저전력 DC/DC 컨버터에 최첨단 기술 도입

시중의 저전력 DC/DC 컨버터는 자기 부품을 사람이 직접 조립하므로 설계에 상당한 노동력을 요하는 경우가 많습니다. 새로운 설계 기술과 고급 제조 기술은 이제 자동 조립을 촉진하고 비용 불이익 없이 더 나은 성능을 제공합니다.
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성형된 리드가 적용된 R-78K-2.0(L) 스위칭 레귤레이터 News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure

성형된 리드가 적용된 R-78K-2.0(L) 스위칭 레귤레이터

이제 8.5mm의 낮은 높이와 수평 장착을 위해 90도로 출하전에 성형된 스루홀 핀을 갖춘 저가형 R-78K-2.0 시리즈를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 새로운 버전 R-78K-2.0(L)은 기존 시리즈와 동일한 전기 사양과 1.2V~15V의 고정 출력 옵션, 최대 36V의 입력 전압을 제공합니다.
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개선된 0.5A 스위칭 레귤레이터 R-78 시리즈 News Image
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개선된 0.5A 스위칭 레귤레이터 R-78 시리즈

손실이 많은 리니어 타입의 레귤레이터의 대체품으로 널리 사용되는 R-78 시리즈 스위칭 레귤레이터는 이제 입력 전압 범위를 40V까지 확장하고 작동 주변 온도를 +100°C까지 넓혀 사용할 수 있습니다.
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Scale with low and high density cubes
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전력 모듈 밀도의 주요 동인

전력 모듈 밀도의 주요 동인 평가는 전력 솔루션 스위칭 주파수는 전체 크기 및 밀도에 반비례한다는 단순한 경험 법칙을 크게 초월합니다. 전력 밀도는 시스템 밀도를 구동하는 부하와 다른 속도로 달라지는 경향이 있으므로, 하위 시스템 및 관련 부품 자체와 함께 분석을 분해하는 것이 좋습니다. 첨단 패키징 및 3차원...
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A hand presents a green leaf and symbols for sustainability
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure

녹색 에너지를 위한 3D 파워 패키징

전력 반도체의 개선은 친환경 경제로의 전환을 돕고 있지만, 많은 친환경 에너지 응용분야에서는 소형 폼팩터에 DC/DC 컨버터를 필요로 합니다. RECOM의 3차원 전력 패키징 기술은 소형 폼팩터의 요구사항을 수용하면서 성능을 극대화합니다.
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Blue soundproof room with a white antenna and text labels
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전원공급장치 및 DC/DC 컨버터에서 EMC 고려사항

전자 시스템 구성품과 최종 장비 간 전자파 적합성(EMC) 달성은 첨단 제품 설계의 주요 과제입니다. 이 문서에서는 이러한 주제를 살펴보면서 표준 준수 특히, AC/DC 및 DC/DC 모듈에 대한 표준 준수를 달성하기 위한 제안사항을 제시합니다.
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Stylized representation of various energy sources and technologies in blue and white
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개선된 전력 모듈로 시스템 안정성 향상

예상할 때 전력을 공급하는 것은 모든 전기 또는 전자 시스템에 필요한 신뢰성의 핵심 측면이지만, 전력 모듈/하위 시스템에 궁극적인 견고성을 가져다주는 것은 고장 물리학에 대한 수년 간 축적된 뛰어난 연구와 이렇게 학습한 결과를 수많은 시행착오를 거쳐 전력 설계에 적용하는 방식입니다. 좋은 설계라 할지라도...
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Digital network overlay on an electronic circuit board
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맞춤형 프로젝트를 간소화하는 새로운 DC/DC 컨버터

RECOM은 대부분의 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 30,000개 이상의 기성 컨버터 포트폴리오를 제공합니다. 그렇더라도 특정 분야에서는 사소한 사양 변경부터 세상에 하나뿐인 맞춤형 설계에 이르기까지 더 많은 것을 요구할 수 있습니다.
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Supply Chain Assessment Image
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Supply Chain Assessment

A subsequent whitepaper will expand on the identified items and offer guidance on managing the supply chain resources mentioned in the preceding document. It was developed...
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Supply Chain Management Image
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Supply Chain Management

The whitepaper shares some design guidelines and advice on how to reduce failure causes and simplify the design - with application examples for a better comprehension.
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Energy Storage (ES) at the system level Image
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure

Energy Storage (ES) at the system level

This whitepaper will provide a solid overview of energy storage (ES) fundamentals, with a focus on ES solutions at the system level. Gain insights into capacitors vs....
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The evolution of robust & cost-effective, isolated DC/DC converters Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

The evolution of robust & cost-effective, isolated DC/DC converters

The isolated power converter has a rich history of bringing modern, complex, efficient, and SAFE electronics to fruition.
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Build or Buy 2: Evaluating the resources Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Railway / Transportation

Build or Buy 2: Evaluating the resources

On the topic “Build or Buy?” [1], we took a fresh, holistic view on perspectives for addressing this difficult, yet common question that system designers and board engineers...
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How to make a 10kW bidirectional AC/DC Converter   Image
E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

How to make a 10kW bidirectional AC/DC Converter

This whitepaper starts with who needs a high power bidirectional AC/DC converter and follow that ups with what recent developments have occurred that makes such designs...
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RBBA3000-50 High current, non-isolated DC/DC converter Image
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RBBA3000-50 High current, non-isolated DC/DC converter

The RBBA3000-50 is a high-current (50A) intelligent buck–boost converter based on an internal digital signal processor.
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Blog Post
Three graphs show relationships between size, weight, power and frequency, as well as density
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전력 솔루션이 무어의 법칙을 따라갈 수 있도록 지원

전자 및 전기 장비에 대한 로드맵의 개발 속도에 대한 고려는 일반적으로 무어의 법칙과 미세전자기계시스템(MEMS)을 중심으로 수렴됩니다. 좀 더 실용적인 의미에서는 어떻게 시스템이 시스템 구성요소, 특히 전력 솔루션을 통해 무어의 법칙과 같은 컴퓨팅 트랜지스터 밀도의 세대적 개선으로 인한 발전을 활용할 수...
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EMC Book of Knowledge
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새로운 - EMC '지식의 책'

엔지니어, 설계자 및 학생을 위한 전자파 적합성(EMC)을 주제로 한 '지식의 책' 시리즈의 최신작이 출간되었습니다.
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Blog Post
Person changes a car battery
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RECOM 블로그 2: 24V 배터리 구동 분야

배터리 구동 시스템은 전기차와 모터보트에서 태양광 발전 설비와 데이터 센터에 이르기까지 모든 분야에 탑재되며 급성장하고 있습니다. 시스템 크기/무게를 줄이고 부하에 사용 가능한 전력을 늘리기 위해 이러한 시스템을 실행하기 위한 전압을 증가시키는 것이 주요 추세입니다. 입력 범위가 넓은 파워 일렉트로닉스의...
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인기있는 R78, RKE, RFMM, RSO, RY, RSE, RS3 시리즈 업그레이드  News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation

인기있는 R78, RKE, RFMM, RSO, RY, RSE, RS3 시리즈 업그레이드

우리는 가장 인기 있는 절연 및 비절연 DC/DC 컨버터의 설계를 재검토하고 고급 회로 및 제조 기술을 구현하여 성능을 크게 개선했습니다. 동기 정류가 추가되어 효율성이 향상되고, 새로운 평면형 변압기 적용으로 자동 배치가 가능하게 되었고, 유연한 자동화를 통해 비용을 절감할 수 있게 되었으며, 일부 신제품의...
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업그레이드 된 인기있는 스위칭 레귤레이터  News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation

업그레이드 된 인기있는 스위칭 레귤레이터

RECOM의 3단자 스위칭 레귤레이터 R-78 시리즈는 3단자 TO-220 스타일 리니어 레귤레이터의 매우 인기 있는 고효율 대체품으로, 방열판과 조립 오버헤드를 제거하여 에너지, 보드 공간 및 비용을 절약합니다. 2023년에 RECOM은 사양이 개선된 R-78Kxx라는 이름의 업그레이드 시리즈를 출시했습니다.
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Podcast EMC
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The Lowdown on EMC and EMI

Learn about the difference between EMI and EMC, and why it’s important to understand the two regarding your power supplies.
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Blog Post
Illuminated component on a circuit board
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3DPP®(3D 파워 패키징)의 발전

첨단 패키징 기술은 많은 최첨단(state-of-the-art, SOTA) 기술을 활용하여 고밀도 집적 구성 요소에 통합할 수 있는 전력 변환 및 전력 관리 솔루션을 가능하게 했습니다. 3차원 전력 패키징(3-dimensional power packaging, 3DPP)은 이러한 기술의 장점을 최대한 활용하여...
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REC30E-Z series
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

입력 범위가 넓은 1"x1" 크기의 30W DC/DC

새로운 REC30E-Z DC/DC는 전력 밀도가 높고 성능 및 가격이 모두 좋은 25.4 x 25.4 x 10mm 크기의 30W 컨버터입니다. 입력 전압 범위는 9-36V(50V 서지) 및 18-75V(100V 서지) 두가지이며 다양한 출력을 제공합니다. 출력 전압은 완전히 레귤레이션된 3.3V, 5V,...
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Podcast R1M, R2M, R3M & R5M series
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5 times smaller than a typical 5W isolated DC/DC converter

These are very compact, isolated DC/DC converters which support a wide 4:1 input voltage range. Listen to learn more about the four different RxM converter family.
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"RATHER BE COOL THAN DEAD." in white capital letters on a blue background
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죽느니 열을 식히는 게 낫다

온도는 전원 공급 장치 수명의 가장 큰 적입니다. 일반적으로 온도가 10°C 상승할 때마다 전원 공급 장치의 수명은 절반으로 줄어듭니다. 마찬가지로 온도가 10°C 낮아질 때마다 수명은 두 배가 됩니다. 그래서 이 글의 제목은 “죽느니 열을 식히는 게 낫다”입니다. [1]
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Podcast RPMGQ-20 & RPMGS-20
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High Power DC/DC Converters: the RPMGS-20 and the RPMGQ-20

These switching regulators can support loads up to 20A with a sixteen brick footprint and a quarter brick footprint. Listen to learn more about the voltages, standard...
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고효율 분산형 전원 구성에 적합한 Point of Load DC/DC News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Nautic / Transportation

고효율 분산형 전원 구성에 적합한 Point of Load DC/DC

두 개의 새롭고 가성비 높은 스위칭 레귤레이터 - 오픈 프레임, 스루홀, 20A 출력 정격의 비절연 DC/DC 벅 컨버터인 RPMGQ-20 및 RPMGS-20 가 출시됩니다.
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Blog Post
Sun shines on solar panels
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High-Isolation DC/DC Converters Meet Green Requirements

The green energy revolution is well underway, driven by the challenges of climate change and the drive towards sustainable development. And RECOM’s high-isolation DC/DC...
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REC150H-UW & REC300H-W series
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새로운 150W 및 300W 하프브릭 DC/DC 출시

새로운 300W 정격 하프 브릭 DC/DC 컨버터인 REC300H-W는 9V~36VDC의 넓은 입력 범위와 12V, 15V, 24V 및 48VDC의 출력 옵션을 제공하며 아이솔레이션은 3kVDC/1분입니다. 추가로 출시된 150W 정격의 REC150H-UW는 9V~75VDC까지의 초광역 입력 범위 그리고 동일한...
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Blog Post
RECOM power modules with “3D Power Packaging” logo and dimensions
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Power Modules are Catching up with Moore’s Law

Over several decades, processors and complex ICs have followed Moore’s Law for increasing transistor count. However, the associated voltage regulators have not reduced in the...
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Blog Post
Solar panels and wind turbines at dusk
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Transportation

What is energy storage?

Energy storage is “…the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time to reduce imbalances between energy demand and energy production.” [1] This can apply...
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Blog Post
White electric car charging at a station
Automotive / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

Forget 400V – 800V is on the Way

The year 1996 was a significant one in electric vehicle history. That was the year the General Motors EV1 hit the market. The EV1 was the first mass-produced and...
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RAC10E-K/277 Image
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation


inernational safety certifications for industrial, AV and ITE as well as household standards
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Charging Applications Image
E-Mobility / Transportation

Charging Applications

Power Supplies for Public EV Charging Stations (EVCS)
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Charging Applications Image
E-Mobility / Transportation

Charging Applications

Power Supplies Ensure EV Home Charging Safety
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3DPP Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway


Increase your power density with 3D Power Packaging<sup>®</sup>
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RACM1200-V Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical


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RPM / RPX Image
Automotive / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation


RPX: Ultra compact QFN-package power modules
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RFXX Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure


RFXX: Low Power DC/DC Converters
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 RPA Image
E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Railway / Transportation


DC/DC Converters for Industry and Electromobility
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EMC Image
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Power Supply meets EMC Know-how
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EMC Webinars Image
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EMC Webinars

Know-how meets power supply design
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About RECOM Image
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We Power Your Products
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Blog Post
Performance meter shows “HIGH”
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Power Supply Design for maximum Performance

Every engineer sets out to design for maximum performance of their system, power supply, or any other product they are working on. But what does designing for performance...
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Blog Post
Schematic representation of a blue electric car with charging cable
E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

Electric vehicle chargers switch to bidirectional designs

As part of a global effort to reduce carbon footprint, automotive manufacturers are replacing gasoline with cleaner fuel-less alternatives. As a result, the electric vehicle...
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Blog Post
A GaN chip on a circuit board with blue and violet light rays
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

DC/DC for GaN

GaN is the chemical symbol for gallium nitride, which is a III-V semiconductor material commonly referred to as a “wide bandgap” (WBG) material because it has a relatively...
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Case Study
Charging station for electric vehicles
E-Mobility / Transportation
Case Study
Digital E-mobility battery tester
E-Mobility / Transportation
Podcast RMD500-EW
E-Mobility / Energy / Transportation

Our E-Mobility Line - The RMOD500-W

The RMOD500-W is perfect for off-highway EV such as construction or airport vehicles. It is even a plug & play power supply, allowing customers to integrate with little time...
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전기 차량용 500W DC/DC 컨버터 News Image
E-Mobility / Energy / Transportation

전기 차량용 500W DC/DC 컨버터

우리는 전기 차량에 적합한 새로운 범위의 DC/DC 컨버터 출시를 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다. 배출 제로 운송 정책으로 인해 전기로 추진되는 차량은 오프 하이웨이 차량에 이상적인 솔루션이 되었으며 , 트랙션 배터리를 위한 분리된 보조 파워 레일을 제공하기 위해서는 DC/DC 컨버터가 반드시 필요합니다. 소형이며...
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Podcast RMD500-EW
E-Mobility / Energy / Transportation


Our first “plug and play” module specifically designed for railway applications, the RMD-500-EW. Listen to learn more about this new railway power supply.
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Blog Post
Electric vehicle charging connectors
E-Mobility / Energy / Transportation

EV Charger Auxiliary Supply Considerations

EV chargers are becoming ubiquitous so much so that now legislation requires new domestic and industrial buildings to include charging points. While the main power conversion...
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Blog Post
Chemical reaction rate vs. temperature curve
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Storage Temperature Considerations for Electronic Components and Modules

There are numerous informative articles on the operational temperature range of electronic components and sub-assemblies, but relatively few on storage temperatures. The...
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Blog Post
Renewable energy icons in blue hexagons
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Efficient Power Supplies Cut CO2 Emissions

Worldwide electricity use is responsible for a quarter of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, by taking simple steps companies and consumers can cut down the usage...
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Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


Learn more about how we are able to develop customized converters for your specific application needs in this episode.
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Blog Post
Charging an electric car
E-Mobility / Energy / Transportation

Using Advanced Technologies to Accelerate E-Mobility

Despite the attractive incentives offered by governments around the world and the advantages of driving electric vehicles (EVs), the growth has been rather sluggish in the...
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2 x 1인치 형식의 20W OVC III AC/DC News Image
E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

2 x 1인치 형식의 20W OVC III AC/DC

OVC III, 입력 범위가 넓고 절연도가 높은 고전력 밀도 AC/DC 모듈
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RAC10E-K/277 series
E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

1.8 x 1인치 포맷의 초소형 10W AC/DC

입력 범위가 넓은 OVC III 등급의 컴팩트한 10W AC/DC 모듈
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Blog Post
RECOM power supplies and Customized Solutions sign
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Modified standard, semi-custom and full-custom designs – the RECOM approach

RECOM offers over 25,000 standard portfolio DC/DC and AC/DC products, but still at times, a non-standard converter is needed. This article explores the difference between...
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Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

RECOM의 고객 맞춤형 AC/DC 및 DC/DC

RECOM은 저전력에서 킬로와트 까지의 완전한 사용자 맞춤형, 세미 맞춤형 및 수정된 표준 AC/DC 및 DC/DC 컨버터를 제공합니다.
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RA3/SMD series
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

게이트 드라이브 전원용으로 설계된 DC/DC 컨버터

RECOM에서 IGBT, Si, SiC 및 GaN 게이트 드라이버를 구동하도록 설계된 새로운 RA3 시리즈 DC/DC 컨버터를 공급합니다.
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Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Transportation


Learn more about our 2W DC/DC converter in an SMD DIP14 case - the RSH2 series. It has a 2:1 input, 2kVDC or 3kVDC/1min isolation and is fully protected. It’s a great option...
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Blog Post
RECOM components of RxxC05TExxS and RxxCTExxS series on blue background
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Advanced ‘3D Power Packaging’ Enables Miniaturization of DC/DC Converters

New developments in ‘3D power packaging’ are enabling further miniaturization of DC/DC converters along with higher power density. Performance is not compromised however,...
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RSH2 series
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

고온에서 2W 출력하는 표면 장착형 DC/DC 컨버터

RECOM의 RSH2 시리즈는 입력 범위가 넓고, 표면 장착형이며, 사이즈가 작고 효율이 높은 2W DC/DC 컨버터 시리즈입니다.
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Blog Post
House with surge protection
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Protection from Transient Voltages

The wide variety of electrical power distribution infrastructure methods that exist around the world hosts many challenges for power engineers designing products that rely on...
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Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Nautic / Transportation


Learn about our highly efficient 4A DC/DC converter in a 5mm x 5mm x 4.1mm thermally enhanced QFN package. This buck converter features an on-off control, power good signal...
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Blog Post
RECOM RACM1200-V power supply on blue background
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Why a power supply with data bus?

Manufacturers of power supplies have recently started to offer interfaces for controlling and monitoring their power supplies. This article highlights the reasons for this...
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가성비 높은 SOIC-16 DC/DC 컨버터 News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

가성비 높은 SOIC-16 DC/DC 컨버터

RECOM은 SOIC-16 DC/DC 컨버터 제품군에 1W 및 0.5W 옵션을 추가합니다.
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Blog Post
RPX 4.0 circuit diagram
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

When DC/DC Power Supplies Use External Filters

In the world of modern electronics, it is very easy to take DC/DC power supplies for granted as they are all around us and in constant use. However, how well the power supply...
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Wired Converters
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Wired Converters

SMD modules are definitely a great converter option for most applications, however, sometimes what is required is a wired converter. Learn more about when wired converters...
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Blog Post
Power output response over time
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Peak power vs average power – How to choose the right converter

Many engineers prefer to choose a power supply with ample “headroom” – In a worst-case scenario, if the application draws a power of say, 5W, then a 10W power supply will be...
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Blog Post
Precision meter indicating the width of the RECOM RPX-4.0 as 5.0mm
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

DC/DC converter requirements

Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta and André-Marie Ampère never imagined it, but today our highly technical world can no longer function without voltage and...
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EV charging application podcast
E-Mobility / Energy / Transportation

EV Charging Application

Learn all about why our AC/DC and DC/DC converters are a great option in this real-life example of an EV charger application.
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RAC05-K/PD3/H series podcast
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Transportation


Learn more about our 5W AC/DC converter, the RAC05-K/PD3/H that is rated for both PD3 and OVCIII environments.
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Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Transportation

OVC III 및 PD3 등급의 5W AC/DC

리콤에서 혹독한 환경 조건에 적합한 회로보드 실장형 5W AC/DC 컨버터를 출시합니다.
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Blog Post
Buck converter circuit diagram
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Down converter - From the circuit to the completely integrated module

The buck converter has been in use for a century and is an indispensable part of today's electronic circuits. This article describes how a crude electromechanical component...
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RPX-4.0 series
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

4A 출력하는 미니어처 벅 컨버터

RECOM은 가성비 높은 RPX-4.0 벅 컨버터를 QFN 패키지로 출시합니다.
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Blog Post
SamacSys and SnapEDA logos with a power supply on the RECOM website
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Benefits of Digital Product Libraries

The electronics industry is one of the fastest growing industries of the last half-century, and the amount of information generated by this industry can be mind-numbing. If...
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Blog Post
Electricity flow diagram
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure

Overvoltage categories in power supply systems

The operating environment for mains-powered electrical equipment is separated into four overvoltage category (OVC) areas according to their level of surge protection. This...
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Common terminology Podcast Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Common terminology

A quick breakdown of the common terminology used on power supply datasheets.
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Blog Post
RECOM RBBA3000 series on blue background
Avionics & Aerospace / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

3kW and smaller than a half a chocolate bar

The RBBA3000 from RECOM is a 3kW boost/buck converter in a half-brick package. The boost-buck technology offers an input voltage range of 9V to 60V at a current of up to 50A....
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Blog Post
Charging electric vehicle interface
E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

Converters for the self-sufficiency of EV charging stations

Electromobility charging stations are often positioned in exposed places, where particular environmental conditions like transient overvoltage can occur. They have to fulfil...
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Blog Post
Heat transfer methods: conduction, convection, radiation
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Intro to Thermal Resistance in Modern Electronics

As devices get more powerful and compact, optimal thermal management of electronics has been a continuous battle for engineers in nearly every industry. And while there are...
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E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

전기차량 분야에 적합한 1”x1” 패키지의 가격이 낮은 8W DC/DC 컨버터

RECOM은 REC8E 제품군에 48V Li-ion 배터리 및 LV 148 애플리케이션에 적합한 20-60VDC 입력을 포함한 3가지 입력 범위를 갖추고 있고 가격이 낮은 1”x1” 패키지의 8W DC/DC 컨버터를 출시합니다.
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Blog Post
RECOM 5V DC/DC 3D Power Packaging Card
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Introducing RECOM 3D Power Packaging® (3DPP)

Power conversion can often be the bane of product designers, regardless of what they are designing. In space-constrained applications such as cutting-edge IoT devices or...
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Potting Podcast Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


Learn more about why potting is an important feature in converters.
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3DPP Podcast Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


Learn more about our thermally enhanced way of developing our next-gen DC/DC switching regulators with 3D power packing (3DPP).
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스위칭 레귤레이터의 출력 전류가 3배로 증가되었습니다. News Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

스위칭 레귤레이터의 출력 전류가 3배로 증가되었습니다.

RECOM의 ‘3D 파워 패키징 ®’ 기술이 입력 전압 범위가 넓은 RPMH 스위칭 레귤레이터의 전류 증가를 가능하게 했습니다.
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Blog Post
RECOM and Power Control Systems Srl – a Perfect Marriage Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

RECOM and Power Control Systems Srl – a Perfect Marriage

In April 2019, leading power conversion company RECOM acquired Power Control Systems Srl (PCS), adding specialist skills in the custom design of high reliability power...
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R05CT05S Podcast Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Medical


Learn all about our unique new DC/DC converter with high-isolation– the R05CT05S. It is extremely cost-effective while providing exceptional isolation in a SOIC16 package.
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Blog Post
 The safety standard landscape after ‘60950’ Blog Post Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

The safety standard landscape after ‘60950’

Many engineers have literally grown up with the 60950 safety standard as a backdrop to their career, either as designers of IT power supplies and systems or users of IT...
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Blog Post
An Introduction to Buck, Boost, and Buck/Boost Converters Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

An Introduction to Buck, Boost, and Buck/Boost Converters

Switch-mode power conversion has been a pillar of modern electronics technology across many sectors including utility, industrial, commercial, and consumer markets for many...
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의료 등급 절연 성능을 갖춘 SOIC-16 패키지 DC/DC 컨버터 News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Medical

의료 등급 절연 성능을 갖춘 SOIC-16 패키지 DC/DC 컨버터

그문덴, 10 월 22 일 2020 - RECOM 에서 초소형 SOIC-16 패키지의 저가형 0.5W DC/DC 컨버터를 출시합니다.
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가격이 낮은 스위칭 레귤레이터 시리즈에 12V 출력 옵션이 제공됩니다. News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Nautic / Transportation

가격이 낮은 스위칭 레귤레이터 시리즈에 12V 출력 옵션이 제공됩니다.

Gmunden, 10 월 14 일 2020 – RECOM Power는 TO-220 리니어 레귤레이터와 호환되는 12V 출력의 효율과 가성비가 매우 높은 스위칭 레귤레이터를 출시합니다.
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Blog Post
Potting Compounds – A Guide to the Essentials Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Potting Compounds – A Guide to the Essentials

The majority of RECOM’s products are encapsulated in a potting compound. Why is this?
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Blog Post
Inrush Current – A Guide to the Essentials Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Inrush Current – A Guide to the Essentials

All power supplies draw a higher start-up current than their operating current. This is due to several factors that overlap – the various capacitances in the input circuit...
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Hidden Value of Modules Podcast Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Hidden Value of Modules

The episode covers the benefits of AC/DC & DC/DC modular solutions versus discrete solutions in your applications.
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Blog Post
The RECOM Three Year Warranty – A Guide to the Essentials Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

The RECOM Three Year Warranty – A Guide to the Essentials

RECOM offers a minimum three-year warranty on all of its products – some series have five years or more – when the industry standard is only one or two years. How does RECOM...
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Blog Post
Power Converter Thermal Impedance – A Guide to the Essentials Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Power Converter Thermal Impedance – A Guide to the Essentials

All power converters dissipate power internally as heat and so run warmer than their surroundings. As long as this additional warmth can be transferred away to the...
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Blog Post
Isolation: A quick guide to the essentials Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Isolation: A quick guide to the essentials

Despite many web-resources, manufacturers’ datasheets and books about this subject, questions about isolation and insulation grade remain one of the most commonly asked tech...
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Blog Post
Support for medical engineering developers with free samples Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Support for medical engineering developers with free samples

"Our production capacity has once again reached more than eighty percent" – According to RECOM Group CEO Karsten Bier, the end of the current global lockdown will decide...
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Isolation Podcast Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


This episode is a quick study in isolation. It covers the various types of isolation and what applications they are required in.
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Blog Post
Getting the most out of a DC/DC converter Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Getting the most out of a DC/DC converter

Modular DC/DC converters have evolved for higher power density – Small isolated DC/DC converter modules have been used for decades to efficiently match the supply voltage...
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Blog Post
Combining the advantages of ICT and FCT in a single test adapter: a case study Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Combining the advantages of ICT and FCT in a single test adapter: a case study

In-Circuit Testing (ICT) is an established method of analysing an electronic product in production. Typically, a bed-of-nails approach is used to test a non-powered circuit...
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Blog Post
Shrinking footprints in the landscape of switching regulators Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Shrinking footprints in the landscape of switching regulators

Switching regulator circuits have been around for many years and users have always had a choice between designing their own using discrete components or buying a finished...
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Blog Post
Energy Efficiency in AC/DC Power Supplies: Quick Guide to the Essentials Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Energy Efficiency in AC/DC Power Supplies: Quick Guide to the Essentials

Ten years ago, the European Commission set itself the bold targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, sourcing 20% of its energy from renewables and cutting overall...
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이런 종류로는 처음 출시되는 입력 전압범위가 4.3V에서 65V까지 확장된 SMD LGA 풋프린트 비절연 DC/DC 컨버터 News Image
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

이런 종류로는 처음 출시되는 입력 전압범위가 4.3V에서 65V까지 확장된 SMD LGA 풋프린트 비절연 DC/DC 컨버터

2020년 2월 26일 그문덴, - RECOM은 로우 프로파일 DOSA 호환 LGA 패키지에 4.3V 에서 65V까지의 넓은 입력 전압 범위와 5개의 트리밍 가능한 출력 옵션을 갖춘 0.5A의 비절연 DC/DC 스위칭 레귤레이터인 RPMH-0.5를 출시로 RPM 시리즈를 확장했습니다.
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최대 36V까지의 입력을 받을 수 있는 SMD LGA 풋프린트의 비절연 DC/DC 컨버터 News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

최대 36V까지의 입력을 받을 수 있는 SMD LGA 풋프린트의 비절연 DC/DC 컨버터

그문덴,2020 년 2 월 19 일 - RECOM은 출력 전압을 1-24V까지 조절할 수 있으며 입력전압 범위가 최대 36V까지이고 DOSA 호환 LGA 패키지를 적용한 3A 비절연 DC/DC 컨버터인 RPMB-3.0 를 출시합니다.
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RPX-2.5 Podcast Image
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Learn about our highly efficient DC/DC converter that provides high power density in a tiny 4.5mm x 4mm x 2mm package.
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R-78HE Podcast Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


The newest member of our high efficient switching regulator - the R-78 series. It was specifically developed for industrial 48V battery-powered applications.
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RBB Podcast Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


An insight to our 10W DC/DC buck-boost converter with 95% efficiency!
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RPM Podcast Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


A outline of our 99% efficient switching regulator - The RPM series.
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RFXX Podcast Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation


A summary of our extremely cost-effective, tariff-exempt 1W DC/DC converters - The RFxx series.
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RAC04-K/277 Podcast Image
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation


A quick overview of our 4W AC/DC converter capable of 305VAC.
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96퍼센트효율의 3kW 하프브릭 벅부스트 컨버터 News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

96퍼센트효율의 3kW 하프브릭 벅부스트 컨버터

그문덴, 2019 년 12 월 4 일 - RECOM에서 기본 플레이트 냉각 패키지를 갖춘 하프브릭 3kW 벅부스트 고효율 DC/DC 컨버터를 출시합니다.
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Blog Post
New standards achieved in integrated switching regulator design Blog Post Image
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New standards achieved in integrated switching regulator design

Discrete IC-based switching regulators are often seen as difficult to integrate into systems with their performance being heavily dependent on the choice of external...
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RECOM에서 후원하는 HCB 루트로닉 레이싱 팀이 ADAC GT 마스터스 팀 순위에서 우승을 차지했습니다. News Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

RECOM에서 후원하는 HCB 루트로닉 레이싱 팀이 ADAC GT 마스터스 팀 순위에서 우승을 차지했습니다.

HCB-루트로닉 레이싱 팀은 시즌 초기에 이미 드라이버 순위에서 우승을 했으며, 삭센링에서는 경쟁이 심한 분야에서 승리하면서 최종 결승전에 들어서게 되었습니다.
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높이가 낮은 QFN 패키지 파워 모듈 News Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

높이가 낮은 QFN 패키지 파워 모듈

그문덴, 2019년 10월 9일 – RECOM의 DC/DC 컨버터 포트폴리오에 추가되는 최신의 컨버터는 RECOM은 로우 프로파일 QFN 패키지 벅 레귤레이터 전원 모듈 가운데에서도 가장 작은 모듈 중의 하나입니다. RPX-2.5 모듈은 전력 밀도를 높이고 열 관리를 개선하는 플립 칩 기술 덕분에 탁월한 성능을...
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입력 전압의 범위가 높은 스위치 레귤레이터 News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

입력 전압의 범위가 높은 스위치 레귤레이터

그문덴, 10 월 2 일, 2019 - RECOM에서 새롭게 출시하는 입력 전압 범위가 매우 높은 R-78HE 레귤레이터는 산업용 48V 배터리 전원을 사용하는 장비의 유연성을 강화시키고 품질을 높여주는 제품입니다.
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Blog Post
DC/DC converters in transport applications Blog Post Image
E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Railway / Transportation

DC/DC converters in transport applications

Transport applications requiring DC/DC converters are unique in their requirement for wide input range and immunity to harsh environmental and EMI conditions making...
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Blog Post
Understanding isolation in DC/DC converters Blog Post Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Understanding isolation in DC/DC converters

Isolation in DC/DC converters has many different uses besides just protection against electric shock. This article explains the various grades of isolation and how they are...
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Blog Post
The need for ultra-wide input range DC/DC converters Blog Post Image
Building- & Home Automation / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Medical / Railway / Transportation

The need for ultra-wide input range DC/DC converters

DC/DC converters are used in almost every industrial, medical and transport installation, from low power test and measurement through to high power motor driver applications.
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Blog Post
Specifying inductors for power converter noise filters Blog Post Image
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Specifying inductors for power converter noise filters

Inductor-capacitor filters are commonly added to the inputs and outputs of switched-mode power converters to reduce reflected ripple current and output noise, as well as to...
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HCB 루트로닉 레이싱 팀이 ADAC GT 마스터스에서 첫 승을 거두었습니다. News Image
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HCB 루트로닉 레이싱 팀이 ADAC GT 마스터스에서 첫 승을 거두었습니다.

2019년 5월 중순, ADAC GT 마스터스 2019 시즌 첫 해외 레이스가 체코의 모스트에서 개최되었습니다. 날씨의 변화가 심한 가운데 각국에서 모인 드라이버들은 서로 좋은 위치를 차지하려고 경쟁을 했습니다. 이 이벤트에서 RECOM이 후원하는 HCB 루트로닉 레이싱팀은 새롭게 진입하는 단계의 팀임에도...
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Blog Post
Board-mount AC-DC converter design challenges Blog Post Image
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Board-mount AC-DC converter design challenges

A board-mount AC-DC converter is often seen as ‘just another’ commodity component, which is expected to reduce in size and cost while improving in performance as technology...
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Blog Post
Why modular SMD switching regulators are more efficient Blog Post Image
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Why modular SMD switching regulators are more efficient

With modern controller chips, the discrete design of switching regulators should be child's play. Rather than spending money on ready-made modules, manufacturers consider...
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EMC focus – power supplies Blog Post Image
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EMC focus – power supplies

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is always a potential problem with switched-mode power supplies, both AC-DC and DC-DC converters. Modern designs can perform well for...
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Blog Post
Worried about gate driver insulation? Apply the ‘BIER’ test Blog Post Image
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Worried about gate driver insulation? Apply the ‘BIER’ test

Latest Wide Band Gap (WBG) semiconductors are approaching the ideal with hyper-fast switching at high voltages with low losses while modern MOSFETs and trench IGBTs can also...
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EMC 규정을 쉽게 준수하기 위한 RECOM DC/DC 컨버터용 라인 인덕터 News Image
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EMC 규정을 쉽게 준수하기 위한 RECOM DC/DC 컨버터용 라인 인덕터

DC/DC 컨버터 포트폴리오의 강화를 위해, RECOM은 전도 및 방사 간섭 한계 기준을 충족하도록 테스트된 RLS 라인 인덕터 시리즈를 공급합니다.
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Blog Post
Imitation is flattery but counterfeits are dangerous Blog Post Image
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Imitation is flattery but counterfeits are dangerous

Markets are flooded with counterfeit parts from the Far East, particularly in the electronics industry. AC-DC and DC-DC converters are widely affected with low quality parts...
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응용 자료
응용 자료 Image
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응용 자료

RECOM’s application notes offer valuable information about the application of our DC/DC and AC/DC converters in regards to their function, temperature and cooling...
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Product Flyer
High Power Density DC/DC Converters for Industrial and Electro-Mobility Applications Image
E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Medical / Transportation
Product Flyer
High Isolation DC/DC  Converters for Gate Drivers Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation
Product Flyer
Reliable Low Power DC/DC Converters Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation
Product Flyer
Reliable Mid Power DC/DC Converters Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation
Product Flyer
Isolated and Regulated DC/DC Converters in SIP8 Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure
Designing Robust Transistor Circuits with IGBTs, SIC MOSFETs Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Designing Robust Transistor Circuits with IGBTs, SIC MOSFETs

This whitepaper shares some design guidelines and advice on how to reduce failure causes and simplify the design - with application examples for a better comprehension.
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Isolated DC/DC Converters Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Transportation

Isolated DC/DC Converters

Our whitepaper shows the concepts and components to create the desired isolation in DC/DC converters, which are used in critical applications, where a higher level of...
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Power Supply Meets EMC Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

Power Supply Meets EMC

In this whitepaper we give a short introduction to basic EMC knowledge and which EMC considerations are key in designing power supplies. The shown EMC tests can trace the...
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DC/DC Converters for GaN Gate Drivers Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Nautic / Railway / Transportation

DC/DC Converters for GaN Gate Drivers

This whitepaper shows how the usage of DC/DC converters with low leakage capacitance and compliance with design guidelines eliminate these causes of failure and simplify the...
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Specifying line inductors for power converter noise filters Image
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Specifying line inductors for power converter noise filters

The performance over the full frequency range can vary significantly between different component suppliers for parts with the same nominal characteristics. The variation in...
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Challenges in the design of higher voltage DC/DC switching Regulators Image
Automotive / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

Challenges in the design of higher voltage DC/DC switching Regulators

This whitepaper explores some of the design and component choice decisions from RPMH and RPMB required to cope with higher input voltages up to 36VDC or 65VDC respectively...
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Design Considerations for High-power AC/DC Power Supplies Image
E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Transportation

Design Considerations for High-power AC/DC Power Supplies

Learn the key considerations for power solutions in heavy automation for next-generation robotics and e-mobility systems.
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Semi Custom Power Supplies: Build or Buy Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Medical / Railway / Transportation

Semi Custom Power Supplies: Build or Buy

This whitepaper seeks to enable engineers to make the most informed decision when answering the "Build or buy?" question. Read on to learn more.
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SMD Technologies used in DC/DC Converters Image
Automotive / Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Transportation

SMD Technologies used in DC/DC Converters

This whitepaper shows the main reasons why our customers are increasingly requesting SMD pinned parts.
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AC/DC 지식에 대한 서적이 출시되었습니다! News Image
Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Medical / Railway / Transportation

AC/DC 지식에 대한 서적이 출시되었습니다!

일렉트로니카 2018 에 맞추어 Steve Roberts의 'AC/DC Book of Knowledge'가 새롭게 발간됩니다. RECOM의 기술담당 이사인 스티브는 전세계 학생 및 엔지니어들과 광범위한 전자 지식을 공유할 수 있다는 것을 감사하게 생각하고 있으며, 일렉트로니카 2018년 홀 A5/210에서...
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타의 추종을 불허하는 저가형 1W DC/DC 컨버터 News Image
Avionics & Aerospace / Building- & Home Automation / Datacom & Telecom / Defense & Marine / E-Mobility / Energy / Industrial & Automation / Infrastructure / Lighting / Nautic / Transportation

타의 추종을 불허하는 저가형 1W DC/DC 컨버터

RECOM은 낮은 가격의 RFB, RFM 및 RFMM 상용 DC/DC 컨버터를 출시함으로써 가격 경쟁에서의 우위를 점유하게 되었습니다. RECOM은 효율적인 생산 설비 구축과 대량 생산을 통해 품질은 낮추지 않으면서도 지속적인 비용 절감을 실현하고 있으며 이는 더욱 많은 이익이 고객에게 돌아가도록 하기 위함입니다.
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R-REF01-HB 범용 하프 브리지 레퍼런스 디자인 News Image
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R-REF01-HB 범용 하프 브리지 레퍼런스 디자인

그문덴, 2018년 1월 8일 - RECOM은 고전력 IGBT, 1세대 및 2 세대 SiC, GaN, MOSFET 및 캐스코드 스위칭 기술의 실제 성능을 비교할 수 있는 범용적인 하프 브리지 레퍼런스 디자인을 제공하기 시작했습니다. 게이트 드라이버와 PCB 레이아웃이 모든 트랜지스터 유형에서 동일하기 때문에...
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