The reduction in cost of a board-mount AC/DC naturally leads to a topology that has a minimum possible component count. Below about 10W, this will invariably be a ‘flyback’ converter with an integrated power transistor and transformer (or more accurately coupled inductor) with a single diode and capacitor for each output. A control IC samples the output voltage directly (primary side regulation) or indirectly (secondary side regulation via an opto-coupler) and applies feedback to the power stage in the form of pulse-width or frequency modulation or sometimes both. There are usually additional filter components to reduce EMI to statutory levels and a ‘bulk’ capacitor to provide energy for hold-up time on mains interruptions, Figure 1.
There will be a ‘barrier’ between the high voltage AC and the output, formed by solid insulating material or separation distance through air and across surfaces. Components that cross the barrier, such as a transformer or opto-isolator, will be constructed to provide sufficient isolation to satisfy international safety agencies.
There’s a downside though to the simplicity of flybacks – internal voltages can be high, typically 600V or more on the switch and some components are stressed with high ripple currents. The output capacitors for example, have to cope with peak ripple currents which can be 1.5 to 2 times the DC output current value. The high ripple current dissipates power in the capacitor’s ESR and raises its temperature. Depending on the mode of operation, the peak and rms values of the primary switch current can also be surprisingly large and as high-voltage switches have relatively high on-resistances, efficiency is reduced and power is dissipated both in the switch and input capacitor which is sourcing the AC component of input current.
However, there is plenty of design data in books and IC application notes to enable even a novice to select component values for a simple flyback converter and given sufficient knowledge of high-frequency layout rules and transformer construction, producing a working product is not so difficult. If size is not so important, achieving safety clearances is easy and there is plenty of room to allow the free flow of air to dissipate heat. Components can also be large and conservatively rated to guarantee functional and EMI performance. A version of the flyback topology is seen in just about every cell-phone charger, so shrinking the electronics is clearly possible but these products only have to operate within limited temperature ranges, perhaps 0 – 40°C in home or office environments.
On the other hand, when space and cost is limited, or the AC/DC has to operate inside other equipment, there are formidable challenges. If the application is industry-grade, there may be additional clearance requirements to cope with damp or dirty environments and significantly higher transient over-voltages to withstand with much wider temperature variations from as low as -40°C to +75°C and higher. Input voltage ranges may be very wide and reliability and lifetime may also be expected to be very high compared with commercial products. Additionally, an extended altitude performance may be necessary affecting safety clearances.