Sales and technical support for all North and South American markets.

The RECOM headquarters for the United States is located in Denver, Colorado. From this centralized office, the RECOM Power, Inc. team provides sales and technical support services for all North and South American markets. We serve large original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and smaller, lower volume users through our network of sales representative firms and distributors in the Americas.
Colorado has been ranked third in the United States for high-tech workers per capita seven years running, has the second highest educated population in the nation, and Denver was named 2015’s best place for business and careers by Forbes Magazine. With all these achievements, it made perfect sense for RECOM to open its new North American Headquarters in the Mile High City. Given the Centennial State’s central location, we now have the capacity for same-day communication with the East and West coasts, Europe, Asia, and South America.
North American Headquarters in the Mile High City

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Member of the Power Sources Manufacturers Association

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Member of the Electronic Representatives Association

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Member of the Electronic Components Industry Association