
Als wir im Jahr 2005 den ersten R-78 Schaltregler entwickelt haben, wurde schnell klar, welch großes Potenzial in diesem Produkt steckt. Plötzlich konnten ineffiziente und wenig zuverlässige Längsregler mit einem Produkt ersetzt werden, das dank 97% Wirkungsgrad einen Kühlkörper verzichtbar machte. Da es zugleich Pin-kompatibel war, konnte es problemlos in bestehende Schaltungsdesigns integriert werden. Im Laufe der Jahre wurde unser R-78-Portfolio schrittweise mit höheren Ausgangsströmen (bis zu 2A) oder breite Eingangsspannungen bis zu 100V) erweitert, ohne von diesem platzsparenden SIP3-Design abzuweichen.

Inzwischen wurde unser R-78 Schaltregler vielfach kopiert. Wir sehen das bis zu einem gewissen Grad sogar mit Genugtuung, insbesondere wenn Wettbewerber dabei am falschen Ende sparen. Da sogar schon Kopien mit RECOM-Logo bei unseren Kunden aufgetaucht sind, haben wir unseren guten Namen jetzt auch in China schützen lassen.

Der technologische Fortschritt macht vor DC/DC Wandlern nicht Halt, weswegen wir stolz sind, neue Wandler nach DOSA-Standard in unser Portfolio aufzunehmen. Die RPM Wandler verfügen über eine unerreicht hohe Leistungsdichte bei einem flachem Profil und bis zu 99% Wirkungsgrad. Der RBB10 Buck/Boost Wandler akzeptiert Eingangsspannungen, die größer oder kleiner der getrimmten Ausgangsspannung (1.0V - 5.5V) sein können. Um diese Module zu schnell und einfach zu testen, bieten wir entsprechende Evaluation Boards an.
  Serie Iout 1 (mA) Vin (V) Main Vout (V) Mounting Type Package Style
1 DC/DC, 1.5 W, Single Output, THT R-78HE-0.3 Series
300 6.5 - 72 5 THT SIP3
2 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78CK-0.5 Series
500 5 - 40, 6.5 - 40, 15 - 40, 18 - 40 12, 15, 3.3, 5 THT SIP3
3 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78K-0.5 Series
500 4.5 - 36, 6.5 - 36, 8 - 36, 12 - 36, 15 - 36, 18 - 36 1.5, 1.8, 12, 15, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 6.5, 9 THT SIP3
4 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPMH-0.5 Series
500 4.3 - 65, 6 - 65, 13.5 - 65, 16.5 - 65, 25.5 - 65 15 to 28, 2.64 to 3.63, 4 to 5.5, 7.2 to 13.2, 9 to 16.5 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
5 DC/DC, 2.5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPX-0.5Q Series
500 4 - 36 0.8 to 34 SMD (pinless) QFN
6 DC/DC, 2.5 W, Single Output RPX-0.5Q-EVM-1 Series
500 4 - 36 0.8 to 34 Open Frame
7 DC/DC, 2.5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPZ-0.5 Series
500 2.3 - 5.5 0.6 to 5.375 SMD (pinless) 10-Pad QFN
8 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78K-1.0 Series
1000 4.5 - 36, 6.5 - 36, 12 - 36, 15 - 36, 18 - 36 1.8, 12, 15, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 9 THT SIP3
9 DC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPL-1.0 Series
Fokus Neu
1000 3 - 22 0.6 to 12 SMD (pinless) 11 pad LGA
10 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPM-1.0 Series
1000 3 - 17 0.9 to 6 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
11 DC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPX-1.0 Series
1000 4 - 36 0.8 to 30 SMD (pinless) QFN
12 DC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPZ-1.0 Series
1000 2.3 - 5.5 0.6 to 5.25 SMD (pinless) 10-Pad QFN
13 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPMH-1.5 Series
1500 5 - 60, 7 - 60, 14 - 60, 17 - 60, 26 - 60 15 to 28, 2.64 to 3.63, 4 to 5.5, 7.2 to 13.2, 9 to 16.5 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
14 DC/DC, 7.5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPX-1.5 Series
1500 4 - 36 0.8 to 30 SMD (pinless) QFN
15 DC/DC, 7.5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPX-1.5Q Series
1500 4 - 36 0.8 to 30 SMD (pinless) QFN
16 DC/DC, 7.5 W, Single Output RPX-1.5Q-EVM-1 Series
1500 4 - 36 0.8 to 30 Open Frame
17 DC/DC, 7.5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPY-1.5Q Series
1500 4 - 36 0.8 to 34.8 SMD (pinless) QFN
18 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78K-2.0 Series
2000 4.5 - 36, 6.5 - 36, 11 - 36, 14 - 36, 18 - 36 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 12, 15, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 9 THT SIP3
19 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPM-2.0 Series
2000 3 - 17 0.9 to 6 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
20 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPMB-2.0 Series
2000 4 - 36, 5.5 - 36, 12.8 - 36, 16 - 36 1 to 9, 9 to 24 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
21 DC/DC, 10 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPZ-2.0 Series
2000 2.75 - 6 0.6 to 5.74 SMD (pinless) 18-Pad QFN
22 DC/DC, 12.5 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPX-2.5 Series
2500 4.5 - 28 1.2 to 6 SMD (pinless) QFN
23 DC/DC, 15 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPH-3.0 Series
Fokus Neu
3000 4.5 - 55 1 to 15 SMD (pinless) 47-Pin QFN, 47-Pad QFN
24 DC/DC, 15 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPL-3.0 Series
3000 4 - 18 0.8 to 5.2 SMD (pinless) 10 pad LGA
25 DC/DC, 15 W, Single Output RPL-3.0-EVM-1 Series
3000 4 - 18 1.8 to 5.2 Open Frame
26 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPM-3.0 Series
3000 3 - 17 0.9 to 6 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
27 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPMB-3.0 Series
3000 4 - 36, 5.5 - 36, 12.8 - 36, 16 - 36 1 to 9, 9 to 24 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
28 DC/DC, 15 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPZ-3.0A Series
3000 2.75 - 6 0.6 to 5.5 SMD (pinless) 18-Pad QFN
29 DC/DC, 20 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPX-4.0 Series
4000 3.8 - 36 1 to 7 SMD (pinless) QFN
30 DC/DC, 20 W, Single Output RPX-4.0-EVM-1 Series
4000 4 - 36 1 to 7 Open Frame
31 DC/DC, 22.5 W, Single Output, THT RPMA-4.5 Series
4500 9 - 53 5 to 30 THT Open Frame Thirty-second Brick
32 DC/DC, 25 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPL-5.0 Series
5000 2.75 - 17 0.6 to 12 SMD (pinless) 24-Pad QFN
33 DC/DC, 25 W, Single Output RPL-5.0-EVM-1 Series
Fokus Neu
5000 2.75 - 17 0.6 to 12 Open Frame
34 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPM-6.0 Series
6000 4 - 15 0.9 to 6 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
35 DC/DC, 30 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPZ-6.0 Series
6000 2.75 - 7 0.6 to 6.65 SMD (pinless) 24-Pad QFN
36 DC/DC, 40 W, Single Output, THT RPMA-8.0 Series
8000 9 - 53 3.3 to 16.5 THT Open Frame Thirty-second Brick
37 DC/DC, 50 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPL-10 Series
Fokus Neu
10000 4 - 16 0.6 to 5.5 SMD (pinless) 29 pad LGA
38 DC/DC, Single Output, PCB Mounting Pins RPMGE-10 Series
Fokus Neu
10000 18 - 75 3.3 to 8, 8 to 15 PCB Mounting Pins Open Frame Eighth Brick
39 DC/DC, 100 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RPL-20 Series
Fokus Neu
20000 4 - 16 0.6 to 5.5 SMD (pinless) 29 pad LGA
40 DC/DC, Single Output, PCB Mounting Pins RPMGQ-20 Series
20000 18 - 75 3.3 to 8, 8 to 24 PCB Mounting Pins Open Frame Quarter Brick
41 DC/DC, Single Output, PCB Mounting Pins RPMGS-20 Series
20000 18 - 75 3.3 to 8, 8 to 24 PCB Mounting Pins Open Frame Sixteenth Brick
42 DC/DC, Single Output, PCB Mounting Pins RPMGH-40 Series
Fokus Neu
40000 18 - 75 3.3 to 8, 8 to 24 PCB Mounting Pins Open Frame Half Brick
43 DC/DC, Dual Output, SMD (pinless) REH Series
80 0.05 - 5 1.71 to 3.47 / 1.8 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA
44 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78S-0.1 Series
100 0.65 - 1.3, 0.65 - 3.15, 0.65 - 3.3 1.8, 3.3, 3.6 THT SIP4
45 DC/DC, 7.2 W, Single Output, THT R-78HB-0.3 Series
300 36 - 72 24 THT SIP3
46 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78-0.5 Series
500 4.75 - 30, 4.75 - 32, 6.5 - 32, 8 - 32, 11 - 32, 15 - 32, 18 - 32 1.5, 1.8, 12, 15, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 6.5, 9 THT SIP3
47 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD R-78AA-0.5 Series
500 4.75 - 30, 4.75 - 32, 6.5 - 32, 8 - 32, 11 - 32, 15 - 32, 18 - 32 1.5, 1.5 to 3, 15, 3 to 5.5, 3 to 8, 3.3 to 11, 4.5 to 12.6 SMD SMD 10 Pin
48 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78E-0.5 Series
500 6 - 28, 7 - 28, 12 - 28, 15 - 28, 18 - 28 12, 15, 3.3, 5, 9 THT SIP3
49 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78HB-0.5 Series
500 9 - 72, 14 - 72, 17 - 72, 20 - 72 12, 15, 3.3, 5, 6.5, 9 THT SIP3
50 DC/DC, Single Output, Wired R-78HB-0.5/W Series
500 9 - 72, 17 - 72 12, 5 Wired SIP3
51 DC/DC, Single Output, Wired R-78W-0.5 Series
500 6.5 - 32, 11 - 32, 15 - 32 12, 3.3, 5, 9 Wired SIP3
52 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD ROF-78E-0.5 Series
500 5 - 36, 9 - 36, 15 - 36 12, 3.3, 5 SMD Open Frame
53 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-6 Series
1000, 2000 9 - 32, 11 - 32, 14 - 32 1.5 to 3.6, 1.5 to 4.5, 1.8 to 6, 1.8 to 9, 3.3 to 15 THT SIP12
54 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78-1.0 Series
1000 4.75 - 18, 6.5 - 18 1.8, 2.5, 3.3, 5 THT SIP3
55 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD R-78AA-1.0 Series
1000 4.75 - 18, 6.5 - 18 1.5, 1.5 to 3, 3 to 5.5 SMD SMD 10 Pin
56 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78B-1.0 Series
1000 4.75 - 26, 4.75 - 32, 6.5 - 32, 9 - 32, 12 - 32, 16 - 32, 20 - 32 1.5, 1.8, 12, 15, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 6.5, 9 THT SIP3
57 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78C-1.0 Series
1000 5 - 42, 7 - 42, 8 - 42, 12 - 42, 15 - 42, 18 - 42 1.8, 12, 15, 3.3, 5, 9 THT SIP3
58 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78E-1.0 Series
1000 7 - 28, 8 - 28, 15 - 27 12, 3.3, 5 THT SIP3
59 DC/DC, Single Output, SMD R-78T-1.0 Series
1000 7 - 42, 8 - 42, 15 - 42 12, 3.3, 5 SMD Open Frame
60 DC/DC, 5 W, Single Output RPX-1.0-EVM-1 Series
1000 4 - 36 0.8 to 30 Open Frame
61 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78B-1.5 Series
1500 4.75 - 18, 6.5 - 18, 8 - 18 3.3, 5, 6.5 THT SIP3
62 DC/DC, 7.5 W, Single Output RPX-1.5-EVM-1 Series
1500 4 - 36 0.8 to 30 Open Frame
63 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-5A Series
2000 - 5000 4.5 - 18, 6.5 - 18, 7 - 18 1 to 3, 1.1 to 4.5, 1.6 to 5.5, 3 to 5.5 THT SIP12
64 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-7 Series
2000, 3000, 4000 4.5 - 28, 6.5 - 28, 8.5 - 28, 12 - 28, 15 - 28, 19 - 28 10 to 14, 13 to 17, 2.5 to 5.5, 3 to 5.5, 5 to 7.5, 5 to 8, 7 to 11 THT SIP12
65 DC/DC, Single Output, THT R-78B-2.0 Series
2000 4.75 - 32, 6.5 - 32, 11 - 32, 15 - 32, 18 - 32 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 12, 15, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 9 THT SIP3
66 DC/DC, 20 W, Single Output, SMD (pinless) RBB10-2.0 Series
4000 2.3 - 5.5 1 to 5.5 SMD (pinless) 25 pad LGA

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