R-78S IoT Demo Kit User Guide

The R-78S IoT Demo Kit contains a R-78S evaluation module, a micro-USB connection cable, R-78S breakout board with an ST Microelectronics SensorTile "STEVAL STLCS01V1" module and two AA batteries. The kit is designed to demonstrate IoT applications using the supplied SensorTile module or to power external demonstrators via the micro-USB cable.

Quick-Start Guide

  • Insert the AA battery into the battery holder.
  • If demonstrating the breakout board: insert the SensorTile module onto the breakout board and plug into header J7 (note correct orientation).
  • If powering other USB-powered demonstrators: plug in the micro-USB cable.
  • Turn on and off using the slide switch (Note: to reduce the power consumption, no indicator LED is fitted). Remember to switch off to conserve the battery.
  • To connect with the SensorTile module, download and install the ST BlueMS App on your mobile phone and touch “START SCANNING”.

R-78S Evaluation-Module-1

The R-78S evaluation module generates 3.3V from a single AA battery. The evaluation module contains a AA battery holder, power switch, R-78S-3.3-0.1 boost converter and a micro-USB connector. Jumper headers are provided to allow various test measurements to be made.

Header Function Setting
J1 On-board battery or external supply Factory set to on-board battery
J2 Battery voltage measurement point Leave open if not used
J3 External supply Leave open if not used
J4 Input current measurement point Leave closed if not used
J5 Output current measurement point Leave closed if not used
J6 Enable Leave open if not used
J7 3.3V output voltage & breakout board supply Leave open if not used
J8 USB data Leave open if not used

R-78S Evaluation-Module-1 PCB Layout

R-78S Breakout Board V01A

The breakout board only provides the power connections to the SensorTile module. Communication is via Bluetooth only (e.g. ST BlueMS App).

Assembled breakout board connected to the evaluation module.