The AC/DC and DC/DC Books of Knowledge

RECOMの「DC/DC Book of Knowledge/ DC/DC知識の本」は、様々なDC/DCコンバータのトポロジー、帰還ループ(アナログおよびデジタル)、試験、測定、保護、フィルタリング、安全、信頼性、定電流デバイス、そしてDC/DCアプリケーションついての詳細な入門書です。技術的な知識は必要ですが、技術者、設計者、学生が読み通せる本です。

  • 2次負荷を1次電源と整合させること
  • 1次回路と2次回路間の絶縁を提供すること
  • 障害、短絡、または過熱の影響から保護すること
  • 安全性、性能、EMCに関する法令への準拠を容易にすること


DC/DC Book of Knowledge

Chapter 1: Power Regulation
This chapter is a comprehensive overview of DC/DC power supply topologies: linear and switching regulators, buck, boost and buck-boost converters and flyback, forward and push-pull topologies. If you want to know your SEPIC from your ZETA, you need to read this chapter!

Chapter 2: Feedback Loops
Feedback is the essence of every stable system. How can I design my analogue or digital power supply to react quickly to sudden changes in load or input voltage, but stay smooth when the load is constant? And why do I have to worry about my right half plane stability?

Chapter 3: Understanding Datasheet Parameters
If in doubt, read the datasheet! This chapter explains what all the parameters mean so your DC/DC design behaves the way you expect it to. What is the worst case performance I can expect?

Chapter 4: DC/DC Converter Protection
Prevention is better than cure. How to protect my DC/DC converter and how my DC/DC converter can protect my application. Read this or be sorry!

Chapter 5: Input and Output Filtering
Input and output filtering is one of the most important and most poorly understood aspects of any DC/DC converter design. Sort out your common mode from your differentials, and you don’t have to worry about your back ripple any more.

Chapter 6: Safety
Safety first. This chapter explains the hazards, risks and countermeasures that you need to know to make a safe design that meets the regulatory requirements. Get creepages and your clearances right and your design can pass the safety certification first time.

Chapter 7: Reliability
All manufacturers say that their product is reliable, but how do you design for high reliability? Find out which factors do the most harm to the lifetime of DC/DC converters.

Chapter 8: LED Characteristics
Power LEDs for lighting run best from a constant current supply, not a constant voltage. How do you protect your LEDs from being overdriven or over-heating? And which is better: Analogue or PWM dimming?

Chapter 9: DC/DC Application Ideas
This chapter is a collection of DC/DC tips and tricks that every designer might find useful: How can I double the output power? Can I connect DC/DC converters in series? How can I increase the isolation?

Chapter 10: Magnetics
The heart of a DC/DC converter is the magnetic component. This chapter takes you through the entire design process from choosing the right magnetic core and topology, to coping with the losses and handling the leakage inductances and capacitances.

Chapter 11: Advanced Assembly and Packaging
The new 3DPP® chapter explores the different methods and techniques that have led to this paradigm shift. New packaging technologies have more than doubled the power density, so that a complete 15W converter in 3x3x1.5mm is now possible.

AC/DC Book of Knowledge


現代ではリニアAC/DC電源に余裕があるのか? あるいはスイッチング電源が唯一の答えなのか?











"測る者は屑を測る!" ACの測定はDCの測定ほど単純ではありません。この章では、異なるAC測定技術の概要を説明し、あなたのマルチメーターが正しい値を示していない可能性について説明します。
Chapter 1: EMC Basics
This introductory chapter covers the concepts of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, the fundamental maxwell equations, and how quickly electromagnetic waves move in different materials.

Chapter 2: Analysis
Building on chapter 1, this chapter explains the lumped circuit and skin effect models that can be used depending on wavelength to analyse circuit behaviour.

Chapter 3: Transmission Lines
At higher frequencies, EM waves move along conductors suffering from resonances, reflections, and standing wave effects. These phenomena can cause a significant deterioration in signal integrity and generate excessive radiated interference, so impedance matching may be required. Equally, correct matching is required for intentional PCB antennas for peak performance.

Chapter 4: EM coupling
This chapter covers the difference between near-field and far-fields and how these fields can couple across from a noise source to a victim circuit, along with different countermeasures that can be used to block the interference, whether it be capacitive, inductive, or galvanic coupling.

Chapter 5: Noise reduction techniques
Knowing which kind of noise interference (differential or common mode) allows the designer to identify the placement and type of noise filter that will be most effective.

Chapter 6: PCB Layout Impedance
PCB tracks and vias have an inherent DC resistance and AC impedance which will affect the flow of current in the circuit. This chapter details how to calculate these values to reach the required target impedance depending on the frequency of the signals used and introduces the concepts of the Fourier transform and harmonic spectra.

Chapter 7: Filters
Filters can be categorized by type, topology, grade, and mode of operation, so knowing which kind of filter will block or channel noise interference is crucial for a good design. This chapter also covers filter frequency and phase response (bode diagrams) and EMI countermeasures using filters and ferrite beads. This chapter also expands on the previous chapter to cover unintentional antennas and poor filter performance due to incorrect PCB layout.

Chapter 8: EMC standards
There are many technical standards that electronic circuits have to meet to pass the EMC regulations and the sheer number of them can be daunting. This chapter introduces the concepts of generic, basic, and product standards and goes through the most important ones, explaining what each standard covers depending on the required class and level, and how they are tested. It is important to know in advance which standard an application has to meet as compliance may mean physical changes to the PCB, changes to the design, or changes to the bill of materials.

Chapter 9: PFC
Power factor correction is an essential requirement for many power supplies and LED drivers. This chapter covers the basic terms (apparent, reactive and active power, and power factor) and the solutions that can be used for power factor correction and to limit THD.

Chapter 10: Measuring EMC
This chapter covers the equipment needed to test and measure products to check if they will meet the required EMC standard, including antennas, chambers, EM receivers, and LISNs.
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EMC Book of Knowledge, Italian

Guida alle soluzioni EMC negli apparati che usano convertitori AC/DC e DC/DC

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eLearning Courses

An Introduction to the Fundamentals
The RECOM DC/DC Book of Knowledge course is the second course in this series, developed directly from the book.

The course provides a glimpse into fundamental concepts related to DC/DC power supply design, more detailed concepts can be found in the DC/DC Book of Knowledge. The course will cover key teachings such as SWaP factors, power regulators, feedback loops, DC/DC converter protection and how to interpret datasheet parameters.
An Introduction to the Fundamentals
The RECOM AC/DC book of knowledge is an extensive collection of experience and learnings necessary to implement successful AC/DC power supply designs. It is the culmination of many years of experience and numerous power supply designs from RECOM's technical guru and innovation manager, Steve Roberts.

This eLearning course is a quick overview of the book's content that you can complete in a matter of hours—as opposed to the many days (perhaps even weeks) necessary to comprehensively cover the book—so please consider this a preview of core concepts and teachings in the world of AC/DC power supply design.
Design for EMC
The EMC Book of Knowledge is the newest release in RECOM's Book of Knowledge series, covering critical experience and learnings necessary to successfully implement compliant power supply designs.

This eLearning course is a rapid-fire, basic overview of much of the book's content, previewing many core concepts and teachings in the world of power supply design, EMC design practices and EMI mitigation.